April 15, 2010

Pattinson May Come to China

Posted in Entertainment, film tagged , , , , , at 1:41 am by jellypotter

A publishing company in China is reported to have invited the British star, Robert Pattinson to come to China to participate this’s year’s World Expo ,which is to open on May 1 in Shanghai. This invitation conveys the hope that Robert Pattinson can know more about China and meet his fans.

The reason why the publisher sended such an invitation presumably has something to do with the book the temptation of Vampire prince: Robert Pattinson ,newly published in China. This autobiographical book of Robert is written by the famous British biographer,Virgina Blake ,which records Robert’s childhood,his legendary education experience and many interesting anecdots before and after participating Harry Potter and Twilight. This book being well recieved in China , the publisher sees the enormous potentiality of Robert’s fans and then reach out the olive branch to Robert Pattinson to show the company’s gratitde of Edward’s many supporters.

By acting out the hero Edward in the Twilight,Robert. Pattinson became famous overnight.Later he starred in the New Moon ,the second episode of Twilight ,and his perfect interptretation of Edward gathered many fans around the world. During the New Moon promotion period ,he held a brief meeting with his fans in Japan,which makes the Chinese fans expect more of his visiting China and to have a good glimps of thier idol.

March 31, 2010

Different Weather Different Condition

Posted in life, Weather tagged , , , , , , , at 8:26 pm by jellypotter

It snows heavily in Edinburgh as it is March now however it is quite normal in Scottish people’s opinion because it is a good activity to skiing during Easter Holiday for them. For me, a Chinese student who is fresh in Britain, it is quite strange as it is warm in a whole month which enable me to put on T-shirts and skirts yet become minus degree suddenly.

The students suffer a lot today as it is slippery and heavy snow makes clothes and hair wet. People cannot hold umbrella because of the strong wind. Many students in Merchiston Campus suggest they prefer to stay in library or JK Center after class rather than go back home. The bad weather also delays the buses as it is quite unsafe to drive in normal speed on slippery road.

People here do not like the rainy and snowy weather which yet is the most expected thing in Yunnan Province in China where the most serious drought happens. Chinese people have one bowl of water to drink or wash per person per day; some children have to walk several miles in order to get two buckets of water for their family. The lands become cracking and all the grains which make country people live die. Prime Premier Wen Jiabao comes to Yunnan to investigate the real condition and monitor the disaster relief work. When he is seeing the living condition of people, he speaks with tears.

All the companies and people in other province launch activities to fund the disaster area. They donate millions bottles of water and pray God to rain as soon as possible. Different weather makes different condition. It has not been raining in Yunnan for three months yet rains nearly every day in Edinburgh. People in Edinburgh damn the rainy weather yet people in China pray to rain.

Professional Placement Report

Posted in community, internship, life, study tagged , , , , , at 7:44 pm by jellypotter

Zhejiang Television Station is the most famous station in Zhejiang Province and its news television programs and journalists are the most professions are the most professional ones. Therefore I do want to have internship in the station during summer holiday. At first, I had emailed my resume to the producer of the news program and explained my wish and strength in a personal statement. But she told me that the program had no plan to recruit any interns in the summer. I felt disappointed yet then I realized that one of my mother’s friends- Liu Fei, was the producer’s classmate in university so that I asked Liu to help me get a chance to have a interview with the producer and then I could persuade her to give me the placements myself. During the interview, I explained my performance in the university, showed her some video clips and podcasts I have done during study and told her my strong intension of experiencing journalism in television program. Finally, she agreed to give me the opportunity to do internship in the program but what I could only do is to be an assistant of anchors or camera men during broadcasting which meant I had no right to report news myself or to do some journalism interview myself. Whatever, this was still a great opportunity to become a real journalists.

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March 26, 2010

Chinese Perspective on US Company Feeling Unwelcom

Posted in business, politics tagged , , , , at 10:51 pm by jellypotter

Jingjiao and I talk to presenter Amy Sutherland about the story in the news today that American companies are feeling increasingly unwelcome in China.

March 11, 2010

Chinese Students in Napier

Posted in life tagged , , , , , at 2:10 am by jellypotter

This is a simple podcast between a professor and two Chinese students talking about their life in Edinburgh Napier University